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Enjoy videos to see how your photos and videos can be made into professional video memories

New England 2017  50th Wedding Anniversary  Part 1

New England 2017  50th Wedding Anniversary  Part 2

New England 2017  50th Wedding Anniversary  Part 3

New England 2017  50th Wedding Anniversary  Part 3

Tahoma National Cemetery 2017 Memorial Day

Tides from Long Beach and Kala Point, Washington

Cottage in the Glen        Whidby Island, WA
Snowy Drive in Washington Cascades
This video link button takes you to YouTube. I produced and posted it in 2014, and unfortunately changes were made when Google took over YouTube.  Resolution and image size changed, but I included it still as a remembrance.


For a complete gallery of more than 40 videos and slide shows:

Go to YouTube and search "anniedog34" (without the quotation marks!)

To get more information on having  your photos and videos turned into visual and entertaining memories which  you can share on-line with friends and families across the miles, visit our home  website or email

About BullerBay Annex

ANNEX is an extension of our original site,  To review  that site, click on the

"Buller Bay Home" image above or on the BullerBay Galleries button.  BullerBay was named for Grandpa Buller to give him a "piece of the internet".  As long as there is an internet, he will live in cyberspace

situated on a body of water, his choice of geography.


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